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Wegenkaart - landkaart Manitoba | ITMB (9781553418207)

  • ISBN / CODE: 9781553418207
  • Schaal: 1:900000
  • Uitgever: ITMB
  • Soort: Wegenkaart
  • Taal: Engels
  • Uitvoering: -
  • Bindwijze: -
  • Beoordeling: 5,0 ★★★★★ (1 review) Schrijf een review
  • 13,95

    Uitverkocht, nooit meer leverbaar Uitverkocht, nooit meer leverbaar


TMB is steadily mapping Canada one little bit at a time. Being Canada, those ‘bits’ tend to be rather large. Manitoba is the huge province west of Ontario and east of Saskatchewan. It stretches from the American border to the Arctic, and is the only ‘maritime’ part of Canada that is also in the middle of the country (the port of Churchill, on Hudson Bay, is a seaport). Settled initially by nomadic people decended from the migration across the Bering Straits in pre-historic times, the fur trade opened the region to exploration in the 1700s and to small-scale settlement in the vicinity of modern-day Winnipeg. Manitoba’s tourism potential is based on wilderness outdoor activity, as is the case with most of Canada. The map certainly shows the developed southern portion of the province to good advantage, showing parks, secondary roads, and farming communities in excellent detail, as well as lakes and physical features. The second side of the map shows the larger northern half of the province at the same scale. This is polar bear country, muskeg, and fly-in fishing country – true wilderness. The map also includes an inset of central Winnipeg; printed on paper;


Zeer complete kaart

Zeer complete kaart, inclusief bezienswaardigheden langs de weg. Mooie vakantie naar de ijsberenstad Churchill mee gemaakt

★★★★★ door Jan 16 oktober 2014

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