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Reisgids The Dutch, I presume? | Dutch publishing (9789076214177)
Icons of the Netherlands
- ISBN / CODE: 9789076214177
- Editie: 2014
- Aantal blz.: 144
- Auteur(s): Martijn de Rooi
- Uitgever: Dutch publishing
- Soort: Reisgids
- Taal: Engels
- Uitvoering: -
- Bindwijze: -
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€ 16,95
Dit artikel is (tijdelijk) niet leverbaar Dit artikel is (tijdelijk) niet leverbaar
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Engelstalig, op buitenlanders gericht boek, met informatie in woord en beeld over Nederland, de Nederlandse cultuur en de Nederlanders.
The Dutch I presume is a beautifully designed giftbook about Dutch culture."Do I need flippers when I visit the Netherlands?" Of course you don’t: dykes keep the water out, and it doesn’t rain 366 days a year. This book deals with the forty best-known Dutch features and stereotypes. From windmills to Cruijff and from Rembrandt to the typical toilet. Were clogs and the infamous cheese slicer really Dutch inventions? Why did some Dutch masters go bankrupt in the tulip trade? And why have most Dutch never heard of the world-famous Hans Brinker? Providing the facts and unravelling the myths, this book gives you the essentials on living in the polders, and will even help you survive a Dutch birthday party The Dutch I presume?
review: A fascinating book(got it as a gift from a Dutch couple that we know)that appeals to an arm chair traveler that likes to explore new worlds. Facts and Myths about the Icons of Netherlands are well described, the photographs add a powerful punch to the whole experience of getting a taste of the Netherlands. Contains a bit of history, geography, art, culture, food, cheese and even beer - all in little doses to just kindle your appetite without overwhelming you with the choices in the buffet. Well written, concise and a mine of information.
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